TAKEAWAY Litigators are good at making fine distinctions between words, and surely the condominium was justifiably unhappy about a sweetheart deal that gave the commercial unit owner a 90% discount on repair work. Ultimately the condominium could chart no satisfactory path around the words of the declaration. And yet, given the dollars at stake for the repair job, as well the prospect of future repair costs, it is perhaps too easy to say the condominium’s board should have taken the “L” without a fight. Sometimes parties need the courts to settle an argument, and at this condo at least, the argument is now settled, albeit in favor of the commercial unit owner.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY This case is a cautionary tale. Individuals who serve as members of a cooperative board owe a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the corporation. The record in this case shows that the defendant, Siwana Green, together with at least one relative who also served on the board until they were voted out in 2018, succeeded at enriching themselves while failing to ensure that the co-op paid the City of New York more than $1 million for real estate taxes and water charges, resulting in a foreclosure proceeding and leaving the building in dire financial straits.
Read full articleIn many co-ops, the commercial space is owned by the co-op and leased to a tenant, whether through a “sweetheart” lease to the sponsor or an arm’s length lease to a tenant. In those situations, the commercial occupant is only a tenant, and the lease forms the agreement between the parties. In arm’s length transactions, those leases are negotiated and the terms of any sublet would be contained in the commercial lease. In this situation, the commercial units were owned by shareholders of the co-op, so that the agreements between the parties were the same as the agreements between the co-op and its residential shareholders – the proprietary lease and bylaws. This case reminds us that it is important for the managing agent to maintain accurate and complete records of meetings and, in particular, votes by the board or shareholders. In order for a board to amend bylaws, the terms of the amendment should be set forth in the notice of meeting. Because the board (or agent) did not have a copy of the notice of meeting in this instance, the shareholder was able to argue that the meeting was not properly announced. Here, the board was able to locate persons who had served as board members more than 30 years ago, and those persons were able to recall the sum and substance of the notice of meeting on this issue. Without their affidavits, we do not know how the court would have resolved this issue – although there appeared to be evidence that the shareholders were advised of the bylaw amendment. Additionally, this case underscores the importance of uniformly implementing lease and bylaw provisions, as the court noted that the sublet fee had been charged to all shareholders – residential and commercial – for more than 30 years.
Read full articleIt is obvious that the condominium board here did not want a Subway restaurant in the building. The board raised all types of objections to bar the restaurant's opening - none of which the court found to have merit. There was no danger to the building or its occupants. The ultimate remedy for the board would have been to exercise its right of first refusal to lease the premises intended for Subway. Of course, that would have required some risk and expenditure for the board that it was seeking to avoid. With the cost of litigation factored in, it might have been smarter for the board to have exercised the right of first refusal in the first place.
Read full articleThe case resulted from the requirements of Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Code, which provides substantial tax benefits for co-op shareholders. In order to get these benefits, in each year the co-op must derive more than 80 percent of its gross income from shareholders, the so called 80/20 test. Here, the co-op assessed its shareholders in order to collect more rent from the garage tenant without jeopardizing its tax benefits. The garage tenant objected, arguing that the assessment was improper. The court disagreed and said that the co-op was not restricted from doing so, since the garage lease did not preclude this action.
Read full articleThe facts of this case led the court to conclude that the defendant was operating a bed-and-breakfast establishment in a co-op, which is inimical to the underlying purpose of a co-op enterprise. Transient occupancy involves a commercial enterprise, which has no place in a building designed to provide housing for its shareholders. The courts invariably frown upon such operations and not even the so-called roommate law could be invoked to help the tenant's position.
Read full articleWhat triggered this action for trespass after a long established practice is uncertain. It may have been that the garage was seeking to exact money from its co-op landlord. Perhaps business was in the doldrums and the garage was trying to persuade its landlord to reduce the rent. Certainly, the effort was unsuccessful.
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